
Doors open to Re.Ma.Plast


November 17th 2017 – eighth national day of small and medium-sized enterprises PMI DAY

Open the doors of your company to show close to the young the stages of processing, but above all make them understand that to respect the rules and the environment, there are many. The C.A.I.S. Sarno Industrial Area Consortium, of which Re.Ma.Plast is part, today hosted the students of the E. Fermi institute in Sarno. Plastic, biodegradable bags, how to use them and recycle them. Read more

Legambiente “Clean the world”

September 22th 2017 – Re.Ma.Plast and C.A.I.S. with LEGAMBIENTE

“Let’s clean the world” returns, the Legambiente initiative on September 22nd stopped in Sarno, in the industrial area. The initiative, organized as every year by Legambiente with the aim of cleaning up historic centers, streets, squares, stations and parks, has also joined this year the Re.Ma.Plast and the Sarno Industrial Area Consortium (CAIS), which together to the Administration led by the mayor Giuseppe Canfora, to the Sarim, to the schools and to the volunteers of the Civil Protection “I Sarrasti”, has organized for Friday, September 22, 2017, from 9.30 to 13.00, a day of cleaning the industrial area of Via Ingegno. Read more

Re.Ma.Plast at Frankfurt International Texcare 2016


The Re.Ma.Plast launches at Texcare International, an international reference fair dedicated to the innovative care of textiles, held in Frankfurt from 11 to 15 June 2016, a new film in bioplastic for the industrial laundry sector: reduced thickness and fine finish eco-compatible life. After revolutionizing the industrial laundry market with a shrink film of only 13 micron thick, Coex HR four years ago, against 30-35 micron conventional film, RE.MA.Plast presented a biodegradable version at Texcare in Frankfurt and compostable of the films used to pack clean linen, such as sheets and towels for hotels, hospitals and restaurants.
LOW THICKNESS. In this case the thickness is slightly higher, equal to 15 microns: “more than anything else to reassure potential customers, since it is a bioplastic film. At the Fair this product has attracted a strong interest from operators in the sector, especially from France, Dubai and other countries where interest is growing towards more environmentally sustainable linen packaging systems. In France we are working on projects for the replacement of polyethylene with bioplastics in flexible packaging “. Read more



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Loc. Ingegno, Zona Ind.le
84087 Sarno (Sa) 
Phone: 081 942414 pbx
Fax: 081 9681645
Viale delle Filande snc,
Zona Industriale 84087 - Sarno (Sa)


Consorzio Area Industriale Sarno